A splash of color


I love black and I love wearing clothes that dont scream but I think I will change my wardrobe entirely…get a little of color and brightness in my life! Not a picture of my wardrobe since it’s a huuuge mess but it’s very similar. Will be posting my new found color pallette in the next post! : )

Trends and Tumblr

Trends and Tumblr

In junior high and in high school and even now my peers have not really understood my style. I feel like tumblr has made this style known as “grunge” the new cool kid attire. Where was tumblr in 2005-2008 when I was being mocked ? I am kind of ambivalent when it comes to actually being exited that this particular style is growing more popular. I say this cause I really don’t believe that they dig the lifestyle or just cause it’s cool. Trends come and go pretty fast. Not to be judgmental but I do get the impression that half of these kids don’t really listen to the music or really know where the style came from…90’s babies haha

Readers Push

Good afternoon from a very cold yet bright library.

I am just finishing up some revising for my tests in 2 weeks. I have been away from blogging for a while now and this new year I promised that I would make a greater effort to write more on this blog. 

I have a few topic ideas but I would like to involve my readers in my writing process and of course I would like to write stuff that actually interest you. Keep in mind that I am mostly blog about fashion, culture and photography 😉

So if you have topic you would like for me to write about comment below and let me know 🙂

Hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday, not long until the spring!

– Izzie